On October 18, 2019, School of Automation held 2019 International Students Opening Ceremony at the auditorium of Minzhu Building, Central South Univ-ersity. Professor Zou Runmin, the Deputy Dean of School of Automation in charge of the international affairs. Professor Wang Chunsheng, the Deputy Dean
of School of Automation in charge of undergraduate teaching affairs. Miss Jiangqian, International Student Counselor of the International Cooperation and E-xchanges Office. Also, teachers from the Graduate Office of School of Automation, and all international students as well as their supervisors attended the ce-remony.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Deputy Dean Zou Runmin welcomed all the international students on behalf of School of Automation. He mentioned the safety of international students, every student need to strictly observe the safety regulations of the school. And he encouraged international students to re-member their initial heart of coming to China and make full use of the school's rich resources and platform to carry out scientific research and gain great acco-mplishments.
Then, Deputy Dean Wang Chunsheng introduced the development history, rich discipline settings, current scientific research projects and international e-xchanges of the School of Automation to all participants.
Afterwards, Miss Jiangqian briefed the administrative regulations of Central South University to all international students, including the leave permit ma-nagement, temporary accommodation registration and residence permit, illegal employment management, provisions on religious activities and other importa-nt administrative regulations.

Finally, Miss Hu from the graduate office of School of Automation introduced the annual review of scholarships and the graduation requirements. And s-he extended congratulations and best wishes for all the international students once again.
The School of Automation currently has a total of 33 international students, 2 undergraduate students, 22 master students, and 9 doctoral students. They c-ome from different countries including Pakistan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia, Palestine, Congo and Nigeria.